How to use LinkedIn to increase your chances of landing your dream role

LinkedIn is an incredible social media platform, no one ever thought that a social media channel that solely aimed to connect people in a professional sense would last, how wrong were they? LinkedIn has become a global phenomenon in recent years and has not only helped people connect with businesses and learn about them more, but it has also given people the chance to be hired through the platform. So, what should you do to increase your chances of getting your dream role through LinkedIn? Read our tips to find out. 

Use a professional photo 

First appearances can mean a lot to employers, so if they go onto your profile and the first image they see of you is one that was taken from a party you attended years ago, then it shows a lack of professionalism from your side. You don’t have to get a professional photoshoot done, just make sure that it isn’t pixelated and is somewhat professional and clean. 

Connect with the right people 

Although there are a large number of users on the platform, it is crucial that you are making connections that are worthwhile for both parties and you can both help each other in a professional sense. It is also worth noting that you must find a unique and engaging way to start conversations, and you can give yourself exposure by commenting on both people’s content. 

Use keywords in your headline 

Your headline plays a crucial part in people being able to view who you are as a professional. People search for keywords that you must utilise so that you show up. For example 

‘’Recruitment Consultant | Education Industry | Finding Talent Everywhere | B2B & B2C‘’

Notice how skills are extremely important and mentioned almost immediately, this will be crucial for recruiters to find you. 

Be mobile-friendly 

With so many candidates looking for candidates online, you need to ensure that your profile is catching their eyes. Did you know that only the first 73 characters of your headline show up on a phone? So, you must be placing the important information at the front. The best thing you can do is go on your phone right now and look up other examples! 


If you are doing anything on LinkedIn, then make sure you are posting content! LinkedIn has a unique algorithm which makes long-form posts more popular. On other platforms, this can seem tacky and somewhat jargon, however, studies have proved that if you post a long piece of content on LinkedIn then it engages people to read more. 

You don’t have to be a professional writer to post stuff, a lot of the most popular pieces of content on the platform right now are posts that people can relate to from a professional aspect. 

Use a vanity URL 

As a default setting, your LinkedIn URL will always consist of numbers and random letters. This is easily changeable and is something you should do straight away. To change your URL, go to ‘manage public profile’ in settings, and click ‘customise your public profile URL’. This makes your page more SEO friendly and will also help it to rank higher on Google.

Skills, work history, achievements, and endorsements 

The content on your overall page is crucial. Make sure that you are providing the reader with relevant information such as ensuring that the skills you are placing on your page match those with the jobs that you are applying for. 

If you have connections that you are friendly with you can ask them to endorse your skills. This will give the recruiter more confidence that you are well-equipped to take on this role if you are successful. To do this, all you have to do is go on LinkedIn, search for whom you would like to endorse you, click the three dots near the top of the person’s profile and send them a request. It’s that simple and can be the difference for recruiters! 

When discussing your work history, you should always publicise your latest and greatest achievements, using statistics such as you were promoted for your conversion rates being 17% above average is extremely valuable and trustworthy information. 

Ensure that your work history is clear and concise. Recruiters are looking at profiles every day, the last thing they want to do is read through a mountain of content to find what they’re looking for. As a general rule you should always use the following format:

  • Job overview
  • Leave a space after the overview and add a header like ‘Achievements’, followed by bulleted information
  • Your achievements should be grouped in no more than 3-5. If you have more, you should create an additional section with a new header.

If you would like to know more about how you can use LinkedIn to present yourself in the best possible manner, then contact us now.