A highly underrated aspect of writing a CV and putting your best foot forward in an interview is your soft skills. Soft skills in of themselves are pretty underrated. You can’t get a degree in them (often), and you can’t really prove them the way you would technique with a […]
Have you noticed, since the lifting of lockdown, a lot more interviews and “screening calls” happening over a Zoom or Teams meeting? Video call interviews are becoming the norm, and it makes sense. You can do it anywhere, without the commute, without taking up more time and energy than necessary, […]
There are a lot of emotions around getting a new job. Between the pride of getting the job, the excitement, the apprehension, the nervousness, the idea of missing your team or old job, and the rushing about to get all your ducks in a row: it can make for a […]
Interviews are famously unpopular amongst the majority of individuals. However, it is a part of life and to ensure that you are giving yourself the best possible chance you must make sure that you are fully prepared. An awkward part of any interview process is at the latter stage when […]
The interview stage is one of the most important parts of the recruitment process. This is the moment that you get a candidate face-to-face, and you need to be prepared just as much as they do. Here are some pieces of interview advice that we think all recruiters should follow. […]