Based at Spaces
1 West Regent Street
G2 1RW
Are you ready for a change, but you do not have a CV or you need some help in getting your original one updated? Do not worry as I have a solution. I currently work with a CV specialist who can help you create, amend or update your CV so you are ready to start looking for your next job!
A bit about Jane…
“Having worked in the recruitment industry, for over ten years, sifting through many CV’s, interviewing and shortlisting candidates, I understand the impact a good CV can have.
As a recruiter, we skilfully match the right candidate in the best position. However, when it comes to amending our own CV to make it job-ready, we’re not so keen!
This is where I come in to take the pain away. It can sometimes be difficult to be objective and show yourself in the best light. My service offering is to consult with you; find out what makes you tick; understand your journey so far and most importantly where you want to be. From this, I will create your CV.
Please get in touch for your personal consultation and CV preparation.”
Based at Spaces
1 West Regent Street
G2 1RW