• Mastering the Video Call Interview: Essential Tips for Virtual Success

    Have you noticed, since the lifting of lockdown, a lot more interviews and “screening calls” happening over a Zoom or Teams meeting? Video call interviews are becoming the norm, and it makes sense. You can do it anywhere, without the commute, without taking up more...
  • The Work-Life Balance Promises of Labour’s Employment Policies

    At the close of the past election, the UK has found itself with a new government leading. But now that means that Labour has to get to work on implementing the changes it promised during its campaign. What are these changes? Well, we were most...
  • DEI Strategy: Best Business Practices for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Recruitment

    The DEI strategy, or Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, is a framework to create a fairer workplace environment for historically underrepresented people in the workplace. It’s a very important concept to follow throughout the hiring and onboarding process, so as recruiters, it’s paramount to know what...
  • Tech Career in Scotland | Hiring Challenges in the Technology Sector

    One of the leading industries in Scotland that has shown to be underappreciated, is technology. Rural areas, in particular, need it, and given that the Scottish landscape is 90% rural, this is causing quite a problem across the country. Recruiters are having trouble filling the...
  • Feeling Stuck? Tips for career advancement and professional development

    The pursuit of career advancement can be a long and arduous process. You might feel stuck where you are. Maybe a pay rise is out of reach, a new position seems impossible to find, something always seems to get in your way, and usually, due...
  • The Latest Hiring Trends and Insights in the Scottish Job Market

    It’s not fun to think about, but the country’s job market is currently tilted in favour of employers, making it more of a buyer’s market and more of a headache for jobseekers. According to data from the Office for National Statistics, Scotland's unemployment rate stood...
  • Conducting effective interviewing and candidate screening

    If you’ve ever had to fill a role in your organisation, you know it can be quite the process. On top of it taking time and effort, you want to get it right the first time, otherwise, you’ve wasted a lot of time, money, and...
  • Attracting and retaining quality talent in Scottish Industries

    Scotland’s biggest industries are a surprisingly mixed bag. Sure, there are the obvious ones like whiskey and tourism, but it might interest you to know that we’re also big on finance, energy, technology, and life sciences. So, when someone tells you there are no jobs...
  • Navigating Workplace Conflicts: Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Colleagues

    Workplace conflicts are inevitable in any professional environment. We all have a story of someone stealing your lunch or micromanaging your work, or even more serious allegations like harassment and bullying. However, workplace conflicts can be resolved through effective communication, empathy, and a proactive approach....
  • Know Your Worth: Negotiating the Best Salary and Benefits Package

    We’ve all applied for a job that might look amazing on paper, but the figure doesn’t really inspire any excitement. If you’re worried that you’re giving up a good opportunity for a better salary, or selling yourself short, or simply would like a raise for...
  • Disabled Employee Rights: Working with a Disability

    Having a disability in the workplace can be difficult as you can be discriminated against by people in the workplace making it harder to get employed. There can be some limitations in the workplace depending on your disability, but your workplace should be able to...
  • Life After Redundancy: A Guide to Moving Forward

    Redundancy is infuriating. You have just lost your job and are struggling and unsure about what the future holds - all through no fault of your own. It’s a bad hand dealt. So, what should you do? Here, we share some tips about what you...
  • Does Your Hiring Process Need a New Year’s Makeover?

    It goes without saying that hiring the right people is crucial for any organization's success. Any team is as good as the team members. This means that starting or maintaining a productive business starts with who you hire - and that comes down to the...
  • Managing “New Year New Job” Hiring Periods in Early 2024

    The beginning of the new year often sparks an increase in job searching and hiring. People start thinking about their future and there is a theme of bettering yourself, which can prompt a lot of job hunting New Year’s resolutions. Additionally, managers will want to...
  • Must-Have Skills to Learn and Include on Your CV

    Your CV is the most important tool you have when looking for a job. Think of it as your calling card; it’s what you’ll use to demonstrate your talent and your experience to prospective employers. There are certain CV skills that are more valuable than...
  • Recruitment Trends to Watch in the New Year

    The world of recruitment is constantly evolving. If you want to attract the top talent to your business, staying on top of the latest recruitment trends is absolutely essential.  However, doing so can be difficult, especially for the busy modern business owner. To help, we’ve put...
  • How to Find the Best Candidate for Your Workplace Culture

    It’s easy to argue that workplace culture is almost as important as qualifications or experience when looking over candidates for a role. However, it’s an aspect that is often ignored or under-established in the hiring process. After all, if a candidate has all the qualifications...
  • The Benefits of Using a Recruitment Agency

    People are hired and fired every day. As a business owner, you might be wondering what the use of hiring a recruitment agent is. However, as a business owner or an HR representative, you might also be wondering why you’re stuck when it comes to...
  • The Power of Employee Referrals | Boosting Your Hiring Process

    When it comes to the hiring process, have you ever considered creating an employee referral program? Employee referrals are very beneficial in gaining new talent that you can trust. You won’t need to limit yourself to filling a role internally but won’t have to sift...
  • Salary Negotiation Tips | How to Secure the Compensation You Deserve

    There are a lot of emotions around getting a new job. Between the pride of getting the job, the excitement, the apprehension, the nervousness, the idea of missing your team or old job, and the rushing about to get all your ducks in a row:...
  • The Power of Employee Referrals | Boosting Your Hiring Process

    When it comes to the hiring process, have you ever considered creating an employee referral program? Employee referrals are very beneficial in gaining new talent that you can trust. You won’t need to limit yourself to filling a role internally but won’t have to sift...
  • Changing careers in later life – Mindset Tools to Help You Prepare

    Have you ever thought about changing your career to another one? This could be a completely different field from what you once knew. Like all new jobs, you might not know any familiar faces. This would be an exciting but somewhat scary time if you...
  • How Upskilling Can Get You a Better Job

    If you feel like you need a change of scene and want to land your dream job, how can you go about doing so? Upskilling is the key. Let’s dive in and take a closer look at what this is and then discuss how upskilling...
  • Seasonal Recruitment Trends to Consider When Looking for a New Role | Does it Really Slow Down in the Summer?

    There are a lot of things to think about when looking to hire for a new role. The recruitment process can be complex, but it’s one that you need to get right if you want the best for your business. Seasonal recruitment trends can affect...
  • The Importance of Mental Health Strategies in Attracting New Talent

    Mental health is an important part of anybody’s general wellbeing, and that goes for even your employees and any potential talent you intend to hire. Having your mental health strategies in place and offering support for your employees will help you to better gain and...
  • The Role of Recruitment Agencies in Talent Acquisition

    As a business owner, it’s only natural that you would want the very best employees as part of your team. After all, it’s employees that drive a business forward, so the more talented your employees are, the more successful your business will be. This is...
  • The Advantages of Using a Specialised Recruitment Agency 

    Employees are the life and soul of a business. They interact with customers and clients and manage operations day-to-day. What this means is that recruitment is one of the most important parts of being a business owner, and using a specialised recruitment agency can be...
  • How do you transition to be a recruiter?

    Getting into recruitment can be a great option for your career. It can increase your salary, allow you opportunities to help people and otherwise aid your career. But how do you transition to be a recruiter? What are the steps you need to make before...
  • Can You Really Make Money in Recruitment?

    Can you really make money in recruitment? This is a question many may ask themselves when considering recruitment as a career. Much like any other job, there’s no easy answer. Instead, what you make will largely depend on your own unique circumstances.  However, we can get...
  • Some Common Recruitment Myths Debunked

    Whether you’re a client looking to fill a role or a candidate looking for your new venture, there is a chance that you already have some preconceived notions about the recruiting process with an agency. Recruitment myths are rife as people talk about their experiences,...
  • Recruitment Skills That All Great Recruiters Have

    As a profession, we’re often looking at what skills candidates need in order to get the job they want. But here at Recruiting Talent, we have the unique opportunity to not only look at what recruitment skills candidates need but what skills we need to...
  • 5 Best Practices in Recruitment and Selection

    Effective recruitment is a fundamental cornerstone of all successful modern businesses. Without the right staff, companies cannot meet the needs and requirements of their customers and generate sales and revenue. As a business owner, you must know how to identify, target, and hire the very best...
  • How a Happy and Healthy Workplace can Make Life Easier for Recruiters to Find Top Talent!

    They say that a healthy workplace is a happy workplace. However, as a business owner, it can be all too easy to focus purely on your customers, your sales, and your profits. While these are certainly important, they should never come at the expense of...
  • Spring into Acton: Beginning a New Career in a Post-Pandemic World

    Spring is finally upon us. It’s a time of a rebirth and rejuvenation; spring offers us the chance to start afresh and change our lives for the better, which is why a lot of people are considering beginning a new career. For many people, a spring...
  • Supporting Women Struggling with Menopause at Work

    Menopause is something that affects all women, and with 51% of the UK population being female, this means that millions of people go through menopause every year. Despite these numbers, menopause is largely misunderstood, with misconceptions and stereotypes doing particular harm to women struggling with...
  • Why having a recruitment process that is diverse and inclusive is critical

    The concept of diversity has seen increasing traction in recent years, and it has become more important to both businesses and consumers than ever before. Now, diversity and inclusivity are considered essential throughout a range of industries and business practices. The recruitment process can be tough...
  • Who are the most inspirational women in recruitment?

    Despite the progress that has been made in recent years, women are still underrepresented in the workplace and in professional environments. Furthermore, despite more women securing senior professional positions, the gender pay gap still exists. It was calculated by the Office of National Statistics to...
  • 5 Things Holding you Back from Getting your Dream Job in 2023

    What’s stopping you from getting your dream job? It might be circumstance, like location or education, or it might simply be something inside. With this list, we’re hoping to locate what’s keeping you from that dream job that is within reach, whether it’s comfort where...
  • The Perks of Working for a Recruitment Company

    Recruitment companies need a lot of valued talent to keep the hard work they do going, so it’s important to entice the best of the best in the employee pool. In order to entice the best, recruitment companies offer a range of benefits that appeal...
  • How to Land your Dream Rec2Rec Role in 2023

    Looking for a new job can be a daunting prospect. You might have to push yourself out of your comfort zone and potentially take a risk to reap the rewards. Going for your dream job can be exhilarating but scary at the same time, there’s...
  • Top Recruitment Trends to Expect in 2023

    Are you interested in what could be around the corner for recruitment? We’re looking at the predicted recruitment trends in 2023. Remote work Remote working is only set to continue as we get into 2023. Employees are seeing far too many benefits from it if their jobs...
  • Starting out a Career in Rec2Rec? What you need to know

    No, it’s not a knock-off Star Wars robot, but instead Rec2Rec is an industry sector that has been evolving since 2003 or 2004 as its own sector in recruitment. On one level that might sound quite redundant. Recruiters are in the career of finding a...
  • Competitive salary: What does this actually mean?

    Are you lost whenever you read “competitive salary” in a job description? If you’re not lost you might even be suspicious. Does it make you feel like it's most likely that “competitive salary” is used car salesman talk for “peanuts”? That is often not the...
  • Dos and Don’ts for your next telephone interview

    An interview can be a daunting task to get through at the best of times, but if a potential employer requests a telephone interview, you might have even more trouble making an impression. At least in face-to-face, or on-video call interviews, you can work off...
  • 5 Scary Facts in Recruitment

    It’s spooky season, and we’re getting in the mood with facts in recruitment that will send a chill down your spine. But don’t worry, we have the weapon to deal with them too. Read on to find out the five scariest facts in recruitment and...
  • Scary Interview Questions You Could Be Asked and How to Handle Them

    What are you scared of? Spiders? Lions? Ghosts? No? How about interview questions? That’s something that should strike fear into the heart of many, because if you can’t muster some anxiety about the interview then you can assume you don’t care about the job. It’s good...
  • Feel underqualified for a job? Apply for it anyway

    In today’s job market, there are a number of jobs that are currently available with a number of them requiring individuals to have a level of experience. When job hunters are scouting through these jobs and they see a job that they really like the...
  • How to Best Demonstrate your Growth Mindset During an Interview

    As you are at the beginning of your career you may feel yourself starting to become nervous and as you ask yourself, can I do this? This is a feeling that is not uncommon to a number of employees and unfortunately is just one of...
  • Women’s equality: What we need to do better

    Women’s equality has come a long way since the beginning of the millennium. As a society, most of us now know that this is a fight that we must keep fighting, in order to ensure that women are earning the respect that they truly deserve....
  • What you need to consider when working abroad

    Working abroad is a dream that many of us share. If you’re reading this and reside in the UK, then you will understand that there is nothing more doom and gloom than heading to your place of work on a damp, Wednesday morning. Many of...
  • The Importance of a Diverse and Inclusive Employer 

    As the great resignation train shows no sign of slowing down, it’s important that you, as an employee, know what to look out for when going for your next job. When deciding your next step in your career, it’s important that you ask yourself the...
  • How to explain redundancy in your CV

    Due to the current economic crisis, it comes as no surprise to hear that redundancies are once again on the horizon for many. Of course, the prospect of being made redundant is a real fear and stress for all those employed by someone else and...
  • How to make the recruitment process LGBTQ friendly

    Although there has been significant improvement over the last several decades to improve the experiences and inclusivity of LGBTQ people in the workplace, there is still so much work to be done. Around half of LGBTQ employees in the United States have reported that they...
  • Does remote working make you happier? 

    Employers are in unprecedented times. The pandemic has changed everything employees know about how they work and what they’re entitled to. Perks and benefits are some of the key methods to retaining staff and keeping morale happy within the workplace. One benefit that has been...
  • How to use LinkedIn to increase your chances of landing your dream role

    LinkedIn is an incredible social media platform, no one ever thought that a social media channel that solely aimed to connect people in a professional sense would last, how wrong were they? LinkedIn has become a global phenomenon in recent years and has not only...
  • How to Pass Your Probation Period with Flying Colours 

    There are a lot of reasons why someone might not pass their probation period. The most obvious one is that they are really not fitted to the role, meaning that they’re not a good worker. That’s the one that you hear over again in stories....
  • 2022: The year of the pay rise

    2021 was a strange year for us all. Covid-19 changed the way we worked, thought and went about our daily lives. This newfound thought process that individuals have meant that they are more aware of their own value thus came about the ‘Great Resignation’. The...
  • 5 questions you should never ask in an interview

    Interviews are famously unpopular amongst the majority of individuals. However, it is a part of life and to ensure that you are giving yourself the best possible chance you must make sure that you are fully prepared. An awkward part of any interview process is...
  • How to improve your skills as a recruiter 

    Being successful in any business requires the candidate to have a unique set of skills in order to set the standards amongst colleagues and make your mark in the workplace. A recruitment agency implies that the environment is fast-paced, challenging and extremely rewarding. If you...
  • What is a rec2rec company?  

    Recruiters are becoming increasingly more known to the world of job hunters. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the job market hit an all-time low. Job seekers were crying out for new roles, whilst companies didn’t have the capacity to hire these incredibly talented individuals. This...
  • Graduates Guide to Finding a New Job

    There’s something about graduating that makes you feel like this is it: you’re officially an adult, and you’ve got your whole life ahead of you. So how do you make that first step? That’s an oddly hard question to answer to most graduates. Finding a...
  • Does Working from Home Increase Productivity

    In the past couple of years, a growing number of businesses from a wide range of global industries and sectors have been forced to work from home or adopt flexible or hybrid working practices as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. It has, however,...
  • Social Media Job Search vs Traditional Job Searching

    Social media is a fantastic tool that we all need to ensure we are using to its fullest advantage. It is not just for keeping up with your friends and what everyone is doing with their lives – it can also be used to help...
  • Tips to find your dream role in 2022

    It’s exam season, and everyone’s got their head down. At the same time, the rest of the world is saying “New year, new me” and wondering what it would take to make that a reality. It’s a prime time for people to rethink their path...
  • Networking Over the Festive Holidays

    How important is networking? Networking is the most crucial thing you can do to aid your job search, and there is no better time to do this than over the holidays. The holiday season allows you to expand your network and rebuild relationships with old...
  • Imposter syndrome: What is it and how to overcome it?

    ‘’I have no idea what I'm doing here’’    ‘’I’m a fraud and everyone else knows it’’    ‘’What am I doing here?’’    If you have ever had these thoughts go through your mind when you're at work, then don’t worry, as you are definitely not alone. In 2019, a...
  • How Do You Know It’s Time To Find A New Job?

    Leaving a job that you’ve been in for a long period of time is always a tricky decision. Personal connections to colleagues and a routine that you are used to will always be hard to break. However, once you hit a career stump it is...
  • What are the best Job Benefits to look for in 2021?

    In today’s ever-changing society, employers must thank their staff for the quality of service that they are providing, a way in which they can do this is through providing employee benefits. Job benefits and benefits in kind include a variety of non-wage reimbursement provided to...
  • How To Speed Up the Recruitment Process

    As a recruiter, you will be familiar with how time-consuming it can be to source a pool of suitable candidates. But by familiarizing yourself with a number of handy tips and tricks, you can speed up the recruitment process from start to finish and keep...
  • Interview Advice That All Recruiters Should Follow

    The interview stage is one of the most important parts of the recruitment process. This is the moment that you get a candidate face-to-face, and you need to be prepared just as much as they do. Here are some pieces of interview advice that we...
  • The Benefits of Career Progression

    The concept of career progression has always been a controversial topic, especially within the recruitment industry. Many people believe that when you find a job that you enjoy you should stick with it, whereas others believe that you should move on and try something new...
  • How To Improve Your Employer Branding

    Standing out as a reputable recruiter in the recruitment industry is essential if you want to hire new employees and attract the best candidates. Therefore, in order to stand out against competitors you must have strong employer branding. Employer branding involves effectively promoting your organisation...
  • The Importance of a Work-Life Balance As a Recruiter

    Finding the right balance between your work life and your social life is something that many people try to achieve, although it is something that many recruiters struggle with. It is known that recruitment isn’t an easy job to fit into the typical 9 to...
  • Mistakes that should be avoided in the recruitment process

    Any recruiter knows that the process of sourcing and hiring a new employee can be time consuming and costly for any business, therefore they want to avoid making any mistakes. Not only will making mistakes prolong the recruitment process for you, but it may also...
  • Does the future of talent acquisition lie in reskilling rather than finding someone better?

    As you may already know, the recruitment industry has changed greatly over the past number of years for a number of different reasons. With factors such as social recruiting growing in popularity and more jobs being introduced on the market, recruiters are doing the best...
  • The Ultimate Guide To Social Recruiting

    Social recruiting is the process of finding, attracting, and hiring candidates through social media platforms and has grown greatly in popularity over the past number of years. The process of social recruiting is now more valuable than ever with the likes of Facebook, Twitter and...
  • Mental Health and Recruitment

    Mental health problems are a growing public health concern as prevalence is rising not just in the UK, but around the world, especially in the workplace. In line with the World Wellbeing Week 2021, we wanted to explore this issue that is prominent across all...
  • The New Normal: Virtual Recruiting & Hybrid Workplace

    Every industry and individual have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, changing not only the way we interact with one another but also incorporate more technology into our daily lives. The recruitment landscape saw a huge shift in 2020, with working from home and hybrid...
  • A Typical Day of A Recruiter

    Wondering what the day-to-day work of a recruiter looks like? The truth is that it is challenging to put together what a “typical” day would look like as when you become a recruiter, you instantly become adaptable because things are always changing. If you enjoy change,...
  • Is Experience Essential To Enter The Recruitment Industry?

    If you read this blog, it means you’re interested in becoming a recruiter. Truth be told, very few recruiters actually plan to get into recruitment, nor had previous experience, which makes this industry even more fascinating and diversified. You might have been drawn to it early...
  • How To Know If A Recruitment Job Is A Right Move For You?

    Congratulations—you got a job offer! You are thrilled – so are all your friends and family –but you must take time to evaluate whether it’s going to be the right fit for you. We know, you’ve probably been looking for a job for a long time...
  • Being a Passive Candidate: What You Need To Know

    In this blog, we won’t give tips on how to source passive candidates and why you should not ignore them, you know that already. But have you ever, as a recruiter, considered if you are a passive candidate? It sounds paradoxical: How can you be passive...
  • What Does The Future Of Recruitment Look Like?

    Over the years, the recruitment industry that we all know, and love has changed a lot. Gone are the days where everything would need to be done manually including sifting through applications and performing background checks. Additionally, the role of a rec2rec recruiter has been...
  • How Can Recruitment Professionals Leverage their LinkedIn Profile?

    If you are a recruiter looking for your next role – then you really should be leveraging your LinkedIn profile as much as possible. Here we have created some top tips to get you in front of other recruitment professionals and bag your dream role. Ensure...
  • How could a coach help you succeed in recruitment?

    Have you decided that you would love to begin a career in the recruitment industry? Good choice, because recruitment consultants are longed for! Becoming a recruitment consultant is one of the purest ways you can help other individuals. You will be helping them find a...
  • Why Use a Rec2Rec Specialist in 2021?

    When trying to hire for your own company, you need to think carefully about the traits that you want in a candidate and approach the issue in the same way that you would for another client. In many cases, choosing to use a Rec2Rec specialist...
  • How Have Recruitment Agencies Looked After Employees During the Pandemic?

    Over the past year, many businesses across the recruitment industry have been forced to adapt. For some, this meant simply changing the way that they do their business while for others, this also meant how they support their team. With a large percentage of the...
  • Recruitment Trends to Look Out For in 2021

    With the new year always comes shifts to trends and other important patterns that could shape our coming months. If you are looking for a recruitment role, it doesn’t hurt to understand what the current trends are in the industry. Here are some of the...
  • Signs That You Should Look For A New Recruitment Role In The New Year

    2021 is just around the corner and we are all starting to look toward the new year. Do you have any new year’s resolutions? Some people like to focus on their health or try Veganuary while others focus on finding a new job. 2021 might just...
  • What Makes A Good Recruitment Consultant?

      A recruitment consultant is a vital part of any recruitment process. They need to make sure that they find the perfect candidate for a role and use their expertise to make the whole process as straightforward as possible. While anyone can arguably train to become...
  • Is Video Interviewing as Effective as Face-to-Face Interviewing?

      Following on from the coronavirus pandemic, businesses are now having to conduct job interviews using video conferences, as opposed to meeting the candidate in person. Some recruiters are perfectly content with remote interviews, whilst others think they are wholly ineffectual. And so, today we are...
  • How COVID-19 has Driven Innovation in Recruitment

    It goes without saying that COVID-19 has had a major impact on many industries over the past year. The recruitment industry is one that has been hit hard by redundancies and job roles filling up much quicker than before. In light of this, recruiters have...
  • Taking that next step….

    Successful recruiters always Aim High, Fly Higher
  • Love my job!

    What a lovely surprise from a very special recruiter who I have no doubt will be running her own recruitment business in the future!Love my job, love the industry and love seeing recruiters progress.
  • Halloween……

    If this is how you feel about your current recruitment job? Now might be the right time to start looking for something new, it might not be as scary as you think! Contact myself or Aron if you want to find out what is going on...
  • Lovely surprise!

    Really made our day today to get a wee thank you from two amazing candidates. You know who you are ☺️ Julie Murphy and I wish you all the very best in your new roles ☺️
  • How to Spring Clean Your CV

    If you are searching for a new job this spring, one of the first places you should look is actually at your own CV. There are many ways you can prep and change it to better suit a 2020 marketplace, no matter what role you are going in...
  • How A New Role Can Give You A Fresh Start This Spring

    Spring is a time for cleansing and starting a new. If you feel like the past year has left you stagnant in your current job, it might be time to brush off those cobwebs and find a fresh start elsewhere. Let’s take a look at how a new...
  • Interview Tips To Help You Land Your Dream Role

    Many of us have a dream role in mind when we are progressing through our training. For some people, this dream role gets within reach but a poor interview leads to them not being able to secure it. This doesn’t have to be the case...
  • Why You Should Consider A Career In Recruitment

    The recruitment industry is booming right now and many young graduates are searching for roles in this field. For those who have never considered recruitment as a career before – why not? There are so many advantages to working in this industry from the job...
  • Why You Should Consider Switching Recruitment Roles in 2020

    New year, new decade! As we move forward into 2020, the time is perfect for us to take a look at potentially moving into a new career. Finding a new job can seem like a daunting prospect at first but it can offer you some...
  • 5 Reasons to Give Recruiting Talent a Try This Year

    Are you searching for a new role in the recruitment industry? Here at Recruiting Talent, we like to think we will be able to get you the results you need. Here are five reasons why you should use our services for your next employment search. Experts...
  • How Rec2Rec Benefits Your Company

    Are recruiters using recruiters a strange concept to you? It might seem strange for companies who specialise in recruitment to go to another recruiter for their own talent but doing so can have a variety of benefits for you. If you are hunting for your...
  • Tips for Brushing Up Your Recruitment CV

    Searching for the right job can seem a mountain to climb at times. One of the most important tools to help with your search should always be your CV. However, while you might know what a good candidate’s CV looks like, you might feel a...
  • Do You Need A New Job?

    8 signs you should quit your job You are consistently bringing negative energy into your home life. ... You are too comfortable. ... You tell yourself it's “just a job” ... You can do your job with your eyes closed. ... You don't ever want...
  • Keep Motivated Whilst Job Hunting

    Job searching can be a challenge so it’s important that you stay motivated. Make sure you start each day feeling positive and set yourself achievable goals. There are also plenty of people that can offer support, including family, friends or your university career service. You’ve scoured...
  • Tips For Settling Into Your New Recruitment Consultant Role

    Even if you have a very outgoing personality there is no shame in being unsure of the unknown. Starting a job always comes with new challenges. It’s only natural for even the most experienced individuals to be beyond their excitement a little anxious.  We have...
  • What Makes A Good Recruitment Consultant?

    Starting a career in the recruitment industry can be challenging yet rewarding for highly motivated individuals. To become a top recruitment consultant, you need to have a diverse skill set that few others in the industry possess.  These skills are all obtainable and could be...
  • Staying Motivated When Using Job Hunting Websites

    Searching for the next step in your career can be extremely difficult. There are several factors which can limit your ability to find the right role; whether you are trying to find a new job following redundancy or returning to the world of work after...
  • How Do Recruiting Agencies UK Based Recruit?

    How do recruiters recruit? Many recruitment agencies specialise in placing exactly the right candidate with companies in various industries. However, it can be a little more difficult for these specialists to find talent for their own firms. This recruitment challenge has certain restrictions but it...
  • Change your habits!

    Interesting thought....... Is it time you changed your habits in order to make a change? Whatever you get in life is a result of your daily habits. What is a habit? According to the dictionary, it is a settled or regular tendency or practice. It...
  • Simple Strategy To Recruit And Retain Staff

    It's important to provide emotional and financial security to your employees as motivating forces to stay with our company. Here are three strategies for recruiting and retaining successful employees. The first strategy comes from the hiring process. When hiring new people, you must have the skills to identify...
  • Make The Decision

    John Lennon was famous for saying, "Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans." It's an exhausting way to live. You can set yourself free by making a simple decision. If you want something different, do it now. If you can't get yourself to do it,...
  • The Importance of Career Progression

    You like the job you're doing and the people you work with, but it has one downside - the opportunities for career progression are either limited or nonexistent. We've all been there. Whenever our consultants speak to candidates about their reasons for leaving their current job, lack...
  • Do you like the “normal life”?

    “Life is an adventure.” While that may be true, we all get used to normal life. It’s when you push yourself beyond day-to-day that you grow.
  • Today is National Telephone Day

    To all my recruiter connections, please remember picking up the phone instead of sending an email can make a big difference to engaging more effectively with a new candidate or client.
  • Getting That Work Life Balance

    I have a number of candidates who come to me looking for a new job and one of the most common reasons is that they feel they do not have a healthy work life balance. As a mother of 2 children still in primary school...
  • Spring is officially here ………………

    This year in the northern hemisphere the Spring or Vernal Equinox falls on Wednesday 20th March 2019. The equinox marks the day when day and night are the same lengths all over the world, with the word equinox literally meaning ‘equal night’ in Latin. The spring...
  • Ask you boss if you can have a nap!

    Today is National Public Sleeping day....... I have attached an interesting article which says "There are different types of naps. The Power Nap is approximately 10 to 20 minutes long and can give a boost of energy to get us through the rest of the...
  • Use The Phone To Build Relationships

    Phone versus email, what works better for you? My preference is picking up the phone and speaking to people the good old fashioned way!  
  • Remember the candidate is also interviewing you and your business!

    Dear HIRING Manager, when you INTERVIEW a candidate - Remember these 5 things: Respect is a two-way street. Please respect candidates time and don’t keep them waiting. If you know a candidate is not what you want, stop wasting their time with multiple interviews and...