
37 posts

Mastering the Video Call Interview: Essential Tips for Virtual Success

Have you noticed, since the lifting of lockdown, a lot more interviews and “screening calls” happening over a Zoom or Teams meeting? Video call interviews are becoming the norm, and it makes sense. You can do it anywhere, without the commute, without taking up more time and energy than necessary, […]

The Latest Hiring Trends and Insights in the Scottish Job Market

It’s not fun to think about, but the country’s job market is currently tilted in favour of employers, making it more of a buyer’s market and more of a headache for jobseekers. According to data from the Office for National Statistics, Scotland’s unemployment rate stood at 3.5% in the three […]

Navigating Workplace Conflicts: Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Colleagues

Workplace conflicts are inevitable in any professional environment. We all have a story of someone stealing your lunch or micromanaging your work, or even more serious allegations like harassment and bullying. However, workplace conflicts can be resolved through effective communication, empathy, and a proactive approach. This article provides practical tips […]