Can You Really Make Money in Recruitment?

Can you really make money in recruitment? This is a question many may ask themselves when considering recruitment as a career. Much like any other job, there’s no easy answer. Instead, what you make will largely depend on your own unique circumstances. 

However, we can get a general idea of the recruitment career landscape. With this information, you can reach conclusions about what a career in recruitment might be able to offer you financially, which should help you decide one way or the other if it’s a career path for you. Can you really make money in recruitment? Let’s find out. 

Roles in Recruitment

Much like in any other job sector, there are various different roles in recruitment, each of which comes with different responsibilities and, of course, different pay grades. Recruitment teams vary in size or scale, but they’re all made up of at least some of the following roles. 

A recruitment resourcer is the most common entry-level recruitment position. Resourcers assist the team in the recruitment process and handle a number of administrative tasks such as collecting candidate information, scheduling and holding interviews, and managing databases. 

Recruitment consultants are experts in matching candidates to suitable job roles. They will develop and maintain relationships with businesses so that they know exactly what kind of candidates will best suit particular vacancies. 

Recruitment managers oversee the entire process and manage the recruitment team. They are also responsible for ensuring that the standards of the business are met and that all data compliance and legal requirements are adhered to.

These are just some of the roles you can expect to find in a recruitment team or agency, but there are many more, but can you really make money from recruitment? Find out below. 

Average Recruitment Salaries

If you’re asking yourself if you can really make money from recruitment, one of the best things to do is to check out the average salaries from some of the most common recruitment roles. While average salaries aren’t always entirely accurate, they are good for getting a general idea of the financial potential of a particular role. However, it’s always important to take them with a pinch of salt. 

According to the job review platform Glassdoor, the average salary for a recruitment resourcer in the UK is £22,615 per year. Recruitment Consultant salaries average slightly higher at £26,409 per year. For recruitment managers, the average salary jumps considerably to £43,888. 

Given that the average annual salary in the UK is around £33,000, a senior role in recruitment would put you well over the national average. However, for a newcomer to the industry, can you really make money from recruitment?

Career Progression

While entry-level salaries for recruitment roles are below the national average, thankfully there are excellent opportunities for progression and career development within the industry.

Working in recruitment means you’ll work across a range of different industries and sectors. What this means is that you could well find a niche that you thrive in, which could see you progress far quicker. 

With consistent performances, you could find yourself rising through the recruitment ranks, and enjoying the improved pay grades that come with each promotion.

Working in recruitment also means you’ll have the opportunity to develop professionally and hone your skillset. You’ll learn key interpersonal and organisational skills, and you’ll develop a deep understanding of the business world. While these attributes might not offer any immediate financial worlds, they will pay dividends later in your professional career. 


Can you really make money from recruitment? The short answer is yes, absolutely! Senior recruitment positions can offer above-average annual salaries, and working in a recruitment team or agency comes with plenty of opportunities for career development and progression.