How COVID-19 has Driven Innovation in Recruitment

It goes without saying that COVID-19 has had a major impact on many industries over the past year. The recruitment industry is one that has been hit hard by redundancies and job roles filling up much quicker than before. In light of this, recruiters have had to innovate and change their practices in order to do their job in the best way that they can.

In this blog, we look at how COVID-19 has driven innovation in recruitment.

Virtual Interviews

In a world where we need to socially distance and wear masks in public spaces, interviewing for a new position is a lot different than before. Recruiters have had to find new ways to hold a useful interview without breaking the government guidance. This has come in the form of virtual interviews using tools such as Zoom or Skype.

There has been some hesitation with virtual interviews as it can be harder to assess whether someone is right for the role or not over a video call. However, this is the only viable option and it is still effective. Recruiters have also been innovating by asking candidates to complete tasks outside of the interview. This helps to give the company a better idea of their capabilities.

Increased Use of Technology

Communication is important in every stage of recruitment but with the additional barrier of lack of face to face time, this has become even more key. In an attempt to combat the lack of physical interviews, recruiters have been introducing new technology to keep things in check. This includes scheduling tools and optimising job ads to reach a larger audience.

Recruiters need to offer interviews in new ways by including a video conferencing link. There are suitable programs that aid recruitment for remote candidates and these have come in handy over the past year.

Introducing The Company Culture

An additional barrier that recruiters have faced during COVID-19 has been in relation to company culture. When a candidate visits the office for an interview, they can get a better idea of what to expect and meet some of the team. Without this, it can be hard to figure out what the company stands for and make the right decision on whether the role is right for them or not.

In an attempt to innovate, recruiters have been offering video content that showcases the company and what their culture is like. Candidates might be able to meet the team this way and this can be a very valuable resource. Company culture can be hard to describe in an email and this video content can go a long way.

Get In Touch

Recruiting Talent has been innovating over the past year in order to continue placing candidates in the perfect roles. If you are currently recruiting or you are looking for a role, get in touch with Recruiting Talent today.

A member of our team will be happy to help get you on the right track and navigate through this confusing time. View our current roles today to find out more.