Leaving a job that you’ve been in for a long period of time is always a tricky decision. Personal connections to colleagues and a routine that you are used to will always be hard to break. However, once you hit a career stump it is more than likely that you should evaluate your position in your career. If you realise that you aren’t happy with your current position then it is more than likely that you should try to find a new job on the horizon.
Questions to ask yourself in your current job
To fully understand where you are at in your career ladder, you must ask yourself the following questions;
- Is the current work environment, the correct one for me?
- Are the relationships with fellow colleagues friendly?
- Do I look forward to going into work each day?
- Is the current workload challenging me enough?
If you personally answered any of those questions with a no answer, then you are ready to make the change. If colleagues are stuck in an environment that has any sort of negative impact on their lives, then this is a viable reason to find a new job.
Before making the final decision
Although, before deciding to leave a company, you should indicate key factors such as is it the role or the company? If it has nothing to do with the company and you enjoy working for them – then you should always consider asking your employer for a new job within the company.
Speaking to employers is another option that many employees don’t realise they can do. Bringing up any issues to your employer – although intimidating – can be very useful, as the employer would rather save the time and money of rehiring staff.
When you shouldn’t leave a company
Unless you physically or mentally cannot cope with the job anymore, it is always recommended that you secure a role that you are ready to jump into straight away. We encourage all employees to make sure you apply for the job, go to the interview, receive and accept the job offer in writing and then hand in your notice. This way, you won’t leave yourself with nowhere to go.
New Challenges
If you feel trapped in your current workplace, moving on might be the only option left to you. Moving on doesn’t always have to be an upsetting event, fresh starts bring fresh beginnings. Being stagnated can be draining and moving on in your career might be the best way to change that.
Are you looking for a new role this spring? Take a look at some of the roles advertised here at Recruiting Talent or get in touch with your CV and role aspirations today.