Top Recruitment Trends to Expect in 2023

Are you interested in what could be around the corner for recruitment? We’re looking at the predicted recruitment trends in 2023.

Remote work

Remote working is only set to continue as we get into 2023. Employees are seeing far too many benefits from it if their jobs suit it. And jobs are looking to be more accommodating of the idea. If they can’t fully embrace working from home, they encourage other recruitment trends like hybrid working and hot desking. So, what we’re seeing a lot of is adding working from home or hybrid working to job descriptions as a perk or benefit of the job. This is because a lot of employers know, or have heard, that people are rejecting job descriptions that don’t mention hybrid or remote working options.

Remote interviewing

As a side effect of this, a lot of businesses have also embraced video call interviews or phone interviews. If you’re already hosting every meeting on Teams, you might as well add interviews to that list. Potential employees are going to agree with whatever a potential employer suggests for interviews anyway, (or they should, up to a point) but video calls are the option you’re looking for. Less pressure to dress up, although you still have to look professional, no chance of being late because you can’t find the office or don’t know the route. You can focus on what you’re going to say and not worry about anything else.

Employee experience

No, not 10 years of experience right out of graduation for an entry-level position, but another one of the recruitment trends to expect is the experience of the employee in the workplace. The Covid lockdowns forced the recruitment trends of giving the optimal employee experience and focussing on the needs of the employee. There was a newfound focus on the mental health of employees, the work-life balance, and other factors that might encourage them to stay with the company when the lockdowns were lifted. This concept has kept going into 2021/2 and is expected to continue into 2023. A contributing factor is the idea of remote work. Employees are simply not willing to let go of it right now and are telling bosses straight. It’s in turn encouraging a healthier workplace environment.

Gen Z entering the workforce

The doors are finally open to the iPad generation. The kids that never saw a world without the internet are now adults looking for work. In 2023 that has been the case for at least five years, and both employers and Gen Z employees are going through a learning curve. Elder employers are learning the merits of a tech-focused generation of workers and respect their staff. Gen Z is learning to stand up for themselves, but also that a CV full of firings/quittings is doing them no favours. It’s going to result in a lot of struggles as the two ends of the ageing spectrum negotiate their way through the workplace and market.

Four-day week

Yes, believe it or not, some businesses in Britain are experimenting with the four-day week. It hasn’t been given the forceful push that Covid gave the working-from-home concept, but it is gaining traction. More and more employers are testing out the concept and seeing results. Businesses are seeing improved morale, fewer absences, less burnout, and more productive days.

Automated hiring process

As a job seeker, you might have come across this recently. You’re filling out an application and it tells you to upload your CV. Then it asks you hundreds of questions that ultimately amount to you writing out your CV again. This isn’t just to identify people who don’t know how to make an impressive CV and isn’t designed to see how irritated you can get and still going, instead it’s part of the automated hiring process. HR reps are running all your answers through a filter to dismiss people that don’t meet the requirements. It might not mean you’re immediately out of the running, but it will get flagged later in the process.