Tips For Settling Into Your New Recruitment Consultant Role

Even if you have a very outgoing personality there is no shame in being unsure of the unknown. Starting a job always comes with new challenges. It’s only natural for even the most experienced individuals to be beyond their excitement a little anxious.  We have compiled a list of tips that will ease your worries and help you integrate yourself smoothly into your new recruitment consultant role.

Gain Trust

When starting your new recruitment consultant role, it’s important you get to know your new colleagues. This will help you to develop a good rapport. Part of your role requires you to be an excellent communicator. You should make use of your skills and be sure to make introductions and try to get an understanding of everyone’s roles. Get to know your colleagues’ traits and working style trying to integrate yourself and become an efficient member of the team.

Business Scope

Take your time getting to know the ins and out of company operations ensuring to get on board with the development of the company.  Investing your time on how the company operates and what the mission statement is can help for a smoother integration into your recruitment consultant role.  As a new consultant, you’ll have a range of ideas on how to help the overall business growth.  Filter in these ideas progressively to ensure you have fully taken the time to understand how the company works and how it integrates any new ideas.


When you first became aware of this job opportunity whether through a listing or a recommendation, you would have gained an insight into the role.  Now that you have joined the team, it’s important to make sure you give yourself the time to fully understand what is expected of you.  You have been brought in to help the company operate more efficiently.  It’s important you don’t go chasing overly ambitious results.  Taking the time to get fully climatised to your surroundings will help you develop your skill set and help you become a great asset to the company in your new recruitment consultant role.

Chain of Command

It is important that you create an open line of communication with your new boss. While settling into your new recruitment consultant role, it will be very helpful to make sure you know just what is expected of you.  This is not only to make sure that you are operating up to the standard expected but so that you aren’t placing unreasonable pressure on yourself.  Be sure to get a performance review after a few months to make sure that you have integrated well into your role and are meeting expectations.  While it is important that you aren’t keeping your thoughts to yourself minor problems can be brought to co-workers for help or advice to avoid adding to your boss’ workload.


When you begin your new role, you will be bringing in a range of skills and traits that will help the company develop.  It can be very beneficial to look to experienced workers that you can learn from. This can help you progress your career to new heights.  As a new employee, you will have fresh ideas that could be beneficial to the company and bringing them to an experienced member for feedback can help you learn how to implement these and settle into your new recruitment consultant role.

If you are looking for a new recruitment consultant role, make sure to get in touch with Julie at Recruiting Talent.